I paused and looked at the watch, its now midnight and thus, its 26th of september 2012. And I gasped, *jaw-drop* due to the date. My flight was on the 28th of september morning, and its really the early morning, which was, at 3 am. So I have like less than 48 hours left with my ummi and abah. Homesick, and that sad feeling starting to linger around me. In my family, I am the eldest. The bossiest, the noisiest, the laziest and all those extreme features you could think of but albeit all those, I love my family to the deepest. When my brother did something horrible that made my dad cross, I cried. When my sister called me names and didn't want to befriend with me, I cried. When my sister cried, I cried to sometimes. I just love them, and knowing that I will be apart for another year, doesn't make me look forward to the long period of it. But then again,the call of dakwah, shows that I am in need of returning to Egypt. I still need to strive the days ...