
Marks a day that I am still given the opportunity to live. To still tell tales, and to make my own self changes. 

Yesterday I was looking up on the butterfly effect, and Ashton kutcher played so well as Evan treborn, who kept trying to return back to his past life to change what he thinks could result in something better, but everytime he tried to change an event, he would end up hurting each one of the people that existed in his life that he loved. Until a scene was between his father where his father said, we are not God, we can't fix things. 

Which is true, no matter how hard we try to do something, that particular action would turn into a something either it will do good to us or others. 

So, what can we do? 

Thats where it comes, fikir dulu sebelum cakap or istikharah and ask god, seek from him hidayah in our actions, because we humans were born with full blown limitations, but God did not create us hanging, he gave us brains to think, a body to be responsible of and a world for us to do deeds. 

And today, I would like to reset back that rusty compass I have been using all these while and start anew. 

It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world - Chaos Theory 

And in the end of the day, if God decides to take my life, he would close my eyes remembering Him and open it, to say to me ;

(To the righteous it will be said: ) "O peaceful and fully satisfied soul,return to your Lord.

You are well-pleased (with your good end) and well-pleasing (in the sight of your Lord). 

Join My (righteous) servants and enter My Paradise."

(Al Fajr 27-30)


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