First day of life as a House Officer

Retrospective Entry on the 1st of December 2018

First poster and first tagger
Bangun super duper lambat, thumb printed at 8.21 yet kena ada pada 8.15. My heart nearly stopped beating. That feeling was mixed with shock and frustration, I had a nerve wrecking feeling that my life has ended. What if they kick me out because I was super duper late?

Impulsively, I didnt take any bath, I was just able to wash my face thus straightaway ran to pejabat pakar, we had to be there for briefings. Sighed with relief, belum start lagi briefings.Then by the time jumpa PA medical, Dr Kumutha(medical sp) and leaders, at that time Khai and Nabilla, we could buy some more time to relax thus i took a shower and properly prepared my bag(mind you at that time, I just lived next door, I stayed in the hostel)
I Went back to work at 12 pm.

Medical department, ward 10C.

Many blood takings. Just too much. Because it was a dengue ward, so we had to take the patients blood according to the phase of dengue fever, wither febrile phase, defervescence phase or recovery phase. So there were QID (4 times), TDS(3 times) and OD(daily) bloods. We had to take FBC mainly as we want to monitor the trend of hematocrit and Platelet level.

I took a venopuncture from an aunty. Sorry i poked you aunty so many times 😢
I didnt manage to get an abg but i managed to see how its done.
I observed a sample of blood cultures as part of a septic workout in patient who suddenly have a spike in temperature as we want to find the source of infection.

Met vanessa, such a nice person, soft spoken yet takes blood like professionals.
She can just like blindly poke and takes it with closed eyes.
She gave that calm welcome greet without any judgements we were merely first posters, im glad i met her in medical. She was the one that showed me where to drop bloods in hematology lab, which bloods we need to put ices, where to send stat bloods and where to send routine bloods.

Met nanthini pria who is a first poster yet cheerful. More than ever. Helped a lot in showing procedures and how to write in the power chart.Though we learnt it during orientation, was still unfamiliar in using it. Was following her steps, press Adhoc chart, new admissions write in clerkings and daily updates write in progress notes.

Admission clerking
Seen by ......

Social Hx

Upon review in ED

Vital signs
Upon review in WARD

Vital signs



signed by
MMC No 72377

Met the oncall medical officer, Dr firdaus memang super duper nice, he even wrote the plan himself 😭
Met another oncall medical officer dr anas, who was a bit strict but he taught also 🥺, I encountered the reason why we dont give T Pcm in dengue pt who have liver function derangements because paracetamol have liver toxicity.And also what was meant by hemetenics. hemetenics are several tablets that you take daily to increase your hemaglobin level. It consist of T Vitamin C 1/1 OD, T Vitamin B complec 1/1 OD, T Folic Acid 5 mg OD and T Ferrous Fumerate 200 mg OD.

During night, met amalina and zafira, the night people,they helped in ordering blood yang super duper banyak and you have to be uber fast. Couple of times amalina had to teach how to order, cari kat patho, and combinekan the test of certain ix like LFT,RP and CE. I might have annoyed amalina some times, but what to do, I had to learn.
LFT (total protein, bilirubin, albumin, ALT,AST,ALP)
RP(blood urea and electrolytes, creatinine)

Thanks to mai, or her real name is munira my partner who is super experienced in clerking. She was a local graduate from UiTM and she might have been familiar with the environment, unlike me, i felt like an alien lost in the city.

But anyhow, thanks for showing good qudwah mai, thanks for being there with me. And thanks for letting me pray with you.

What a day 😢


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