Sabah Negeri Di Bawah Bayu

 Hi Everyone and Assalamualaikum, 

As I write this, I am currently entering my 22nd Ramadan 1442, and it has almost been 2 months since I have been posted in Sabah. 

So what does this indicate ?

1. Alhamdulillah, it marks the end of my housemanship, the one that I have been dreading to complete, but a post I would be pleading to stay.

2. I have now officially stepped up to a much burdensome position of a medical officer though still in the nuisance system of contract, despite being underpaid, we sure still have the abundant of responsibilities. 

3. I am still unattached from any form of relationships. Be it temporary or permanent, thus explains why I have been sent to a faraway land, nope not in neverland, but yes land.Okay that was a lame dad's joke but yes, it means the government could particularly trash me anywhere they like. or lets piut it this way, they have put me somewhere where there is in need of doctors, be it rural or town. 

4. It means being faraway from ummi and abah and the whole family for a few more years. God knows, although I have never regretted being sent to Egypt for further studies, but it didnt hide the frustration of me being growing up, away from my family, i hardly grew up and saw my siblings properly.

5. A way of welcoming my early thirties to real adulthood and responsibilites. 

Well, then again lets say hello to 2021 and pray for blessings from Allah.


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