Life is to continue living in this ordinary world and feeling contented.Where can I find the city of shining light, In an ordinary world?
How can I leave a buried treasure behind, In an ordinary world?The days into years roll by, It's where that I live until I die, Ordinary world
What would you wish if you saw a shooting star , In an ordinary world? I'd walk to the end of the earth and afarIn an ordinary worldBaby, I don't have much. But what we have is more than enough, Ordinary world.Where can I find the city of shining light? In an ordinary world. How can I leave a buried treasure behind? In an ordinary world.Baby, I don't have much. But what we have is more than enough. Ordinary world - green day
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presenting 4 supernatural homosapiens!!! hamizah nadhirah zawani me its just nothing actually.but the bond that we cherished together is totally one knows how magnificent it is to see people from different part of the nation,meet up and blend in together.a relationship that is blessed by Allah.