to fly or to stay on the ground?


it's the 4 th september 2017, and it marks the start of electives, then my study leaves to wrap my medical school here with the final examinations inshaALLAH.

which means longgokan of free time, lots and lots. Which is apparently a pseudo-free time, because I AM NOT SUPPOSE TO HAVE SPARED TIME.

Ya Allah Ya Jamil,
in this beautiful season, please don't sweep my feet away from the ground with jahiliah and let me fly soaring high above the sky, lost in the cotton clouds of nowhere, not conscious where to go nor what to do.

Ya Allah, Ya Jabbar,
islah qulubana,
gravitate me with iman and taqwa.

dear soul,
do try to be beautiful,
so that Allah loves you more and more.

Tubna Ya Allah (kami bertaubat ya Allah)Wa nadimna Ya Rahman (kami menyesal ya Rahman)Wa raja’na ya Rahim (kami kembali ya Rahim)Irhamna Ya Rabbana (rahmatilah kami wahai Tuhan kami)


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