eid mubarak 1438H

Eid Mubarak!

Today is 2nd Syawal and this year might be my last moment to spend Raya di perantauan. Everyone enjoyed raya. We will always have an annual event conducted by malaysian students, we will gather, here we would se a rainbow of beautiful creatures, swooning into the hall, with all sorts of colors and fashions, subhanAllah, very beautiful, in conjunction while waiting, some leaded the takbir.

Allahu akbar, allahu akbar, allahu akbar, 
lailahailallahu wallahu akbar, 
allahu akbar walillah ilhamd.

sayu sungguh menegenangkan berlalu sudah ramadan. 
dan gembira dengan kemenangan umat islam!

after some time we would pray solat aidil fitri, then we will still in position to listen to the khutbah and and after that, the most awaiting event, MAKAN! there would be prosperous juadah, from rending, to sate to kuah kacang up to all sorts of kuih raya then we would disperse accordingly,go photoshoot anywhere, and if Egyptians especially Alexandrians, its their culture to have photo shoot near the beach, so this year we tried to follow the egyptian like culture, some will go back home, some will do ziarah menziarahi,and some will be attending open houses because some even make open houses, How awesome is that!So you don't have to fret because people here'll try to ensure that you have the blast celebration ever!

and to spend raya here is actually a choice to some, and not to many. Dua tiga menjak, sudah tidak menjadi kebiasaan untuk generasi muda menghabiskan masa-masa berharga di negara orang, sebaliknya ramai opt untuk tempah ticket perjalanan yang memakan harga beribu tu untuk di samping orng yang tersayang. They are not a choice to many because some are in examination
 period thus, actually, they have to face major exams right after eid celebration. And so i was messaging one of my anak us rah to ask how her Raya was, and to say she was in such misery, she wanted to go home so badly, and she was so concerned about being able to pass her exams, so she didn't spend her Raya as much as her other friends did. I tried to soothe her as much as possible. 

thus, quoting, from our khatib during solat Raya, he said, pepatah arab ada kata, 

bukanlah eid itu siapa yang berpakaian baru,
tetapi eid ialah siapa yang diselamatkan di hari yang ada azab.

so how do was your Raya? 

apa pun, ucaplah hamdalah, kerana masih di beri kesempatan untuk hidup dan melalui kehidupan dengan ketaatan kepadaNya.


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