Jim ra ha, bukan sekadar luka.

Kepala sebelah kiri berdenyut. Throbbing but diffused pain. Mengganggu konsentrasi betul sakit kepala ni.
Oh well~
Baru kita sedar nikmat kesihatan apabila dicuit dengan sedikit kesakitan.

bismillah, where should i start...

Ceritanya, sekarang ni, i am actually facing my final semester examinations (Im actually halfway through in finishing this medical degree!)

And to make the story brief, pelajar tahun akhir ni Alex, coursenya akan terbahagi kepada dua semester,

Semester pertama : department surgery
Semester kedua : department internal medicine

Dan setiap semester tu ada penilaian akhir yang macam apa kami tengah pulun right now.

Jadi in the midst of examinations, one of my housemate triggered me to actually search in the Quran if there were any words, or kisah or verse regarding surgery.

And so I did, with the help of bayan apps, I searched ج ر ح .

which if spelt together, جرح .

There is a signboard which i always see whenever i enter the buidling at my faculty for clinical rounds, it wrote,

قسم الجراحه
Surgery Department.

So you get the part where it literally means surgery.

It h a vast meaning, to name some, it meant to wound someone, cut someone, to gain or earn, to get or to obtain or to commit.

And apparently, only four verses in the kitab used these words, amazing right!

1) surah almaidah : 45
And for the wounds

2) surah almaidah : 4
Hunt animals

3) al jathiya : 21

4) al anam : 60
You comitted

Though  they may have different meanings, they can convey the same message. And so it came across me, what might be the relation between wounds and commitments?

I gave a thought and two and it struck me.

Surgeons, whenever they undergo any operations, they would have to commit fully until the surgery is done. With a clear goal, which is to remove any diseased organ or to open the body of anyone in order to find the cause of disease and do any intervention to it to finally improve the condition of patients health and life.

So thats how we have to lead our life.

We have to commit with our purpose of  life even though we get hurt, we fall down and problems burden you as if a heavy mountain is  going to fall on you! But you have to keep on going and finish that life with value.
Hats off.

I really love the verse in surah al anam where , allah mentioned,

وَهُوَ الَّذِي يَتَوَفَّاكُم بِاللَّيْلِ وَيَعْلَمُ مَا جَرَحْتُم بِالنَّهَارِ

And it is He who takes your souls by night and knows what you have committed by day. 

(QS 6:60)

Kan kat sini, Allah guna جرحتم, yang mana Allah menilai amal-amal yang kita lakukan pada siang harinya.

Satu, Allah dah tahu kita buat apa setiap hari, tapi still Allah nak menilai amal yang dikerjakan itu sebab yang allah nilai usaha,

 Dan itu pun tujuan manusia diciptakan, which is to fulfil its function.

Jadi apa  fungsi  manusia?

Untuk  memenuhi  tuntutan manusia itu.

Errmmm okayy, apa tuntutan tu?


Menjadi Hamba-hamba Allah.

Sayu pula tetiba.

Dari zaman saya toddler dalam jalan DnT ni, sehingga saya sudah boleh dikatakan menjadi dewasa, tujuan ciptaan manusia itu tidak pernah berubah. Sebab ia adalah sesuatu yang thabit(tetap) .

meskipun  zaman generasi  berubah, dulu Y sekarang Z,
Meskipun Iphone dah upgrade dari 3 sampai sekarang 7plus,
Meskipun dulu main batu seremban sekarang main game ipad je,

Yes, you get the point, the functions of the humans never change or evolve, because ada sesuatu yang sama dari dulu sampai sekarang,

Which is, dulu dan sekarang, kita adalah manusia, berbangsa islam, yang tunduk dan patuh kepada tuhan yang Satu dan menuju desrinasi yang satu, syurga yang dirindukan semua :)

Syurga yang akhirnya mempertemukan kita dan Dia,
Rabb nya manusia, Malik nya dunia.

Jadi, ج ر ح , bukanlah sekadar sebuah luka, tapi it goes beyond that.

Yuk tanya diri, apa yang aku kerjakan hari ini ya untuk Allah?


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