intipati bicara

We listen and We reply.

It goes wrong when we dismiss either one. 
pernah ada seorang menegur saya, 
sewaktu sesi 'curhat' antara kami,

"akak, sejujurnya, akak luahkan perasaan untuk luahkan atau akak mahu solusi?"

And it caught me for a few second.

Yes I do.

Hidup ini penuh masalah. And if we look back at the root word of masalah is 'soal' or questions, and we know that every questions demand an answer.

hatta persoalan yang beyond aqli manusia pun tetap ada jawapannya,
which is,hanya Allah yang tahu.

pernah juga ada yang memberi statement,

"perempuan ni, dia tak mahu solusi pun, dia nak di dengari sahaja"

which I do not agree entirely. These issues come up, mostly because, of the statement above where we do not try to understand. We aren't entirely empathy towards one another. We take problems as mathematical quiz, where as, what we are dealing is far more complex, which are related to humans, thinkings and emotions.

I realised a couple of times that communication has been an issue especially apabila kita lagi laju menjawab dari memahami apa yang dilontarkan, diluahkan mahupun ditonjolkan. Dan tentulah kita yang harus bijaksana dalam menilai, bukan tangkas dalam menghukum.

lebih-lebih lagi dalam berkecimpung dengan manusia, communication is totally important, and the essence of it is understand.

and to be understanding, we really need to know her backround and the life that she leads. thats where we realize to what extend our taarouf session are effective and it helps us to discard assumptions or in other words, zhon.

zhon buruk yang seolah-olah api yang marak membakar seluruh daun-daun kering, seperti itulah sangkaan buruk, segala kebaikan yang di lakukan seolah-olah tiada erti dan satu zhon seolah-olah menghapus seribu kebaikan yang dilakukan sebelum ini, Allahu.

zalim bukan :(


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