My name is ...

Di kelas hari ini, doktor ini luar biasa sedikit, di tanya seorang demi seorang nama dan makna sekali, sehinggakan dia ter amazed,sebab whenever asked most of us had a Nur in our names, And one of us stated how common the name nur is to malaysian,

She said, "Most malaysian have nur(light) in their names,"

The professor replied,

"Really, but its still dim over here!"

And it smacked me, sometimes we rarely ponder beyond our name and really maknai nama itu sendiri.

Since nama saya nur aqeelah,
Makanya from now on, I have to ensure that i have to have a brain that is enlightening!
Azam baru untuk punyai akal yg berfikir dan menghasilkan qudwah yang menjadi  cahaya/petunjuk utk orang sekeliling,
Doakan please.

Whats your name?


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