wise decision made.

My sister won again in an essay competition!

mabrouk alayk ifah!

and what topples her win is how she dismisses the prizing ceremony to go with us in a family outing.


that sacrifice is priceless.

that decision is hard to make, but she chose wisely.

I look up to her in so many ways that sometimes,I think I overdo the act of love of a big sister to her little sister.in addition, this is because she isn't fond of hugs or kisses that much, she is the quiet type of person, who rarely expresses her inner feelings.

Ifah, is such an admirable sister, she always gets done the house chores like bill payments, groceries and etc. She also takes that big sister responsibility since I'm always away home by giving advices here and there to the little ones at school.

that explains how close the three of them, ifah, yam and ahmad are!

And the most awesome part is, she always puts ummi and abah's decision way beyond her own, and this humble kind of act really fits the statement of an authentic hadith,
 keredhaan Allah letaknya pada redha ibu bapa dan kemurkaan Allah letaknya pada murka ibu bapa, 
which reflects how muhim(important) it is to listen, and follow what our parents ask us to do, wants us to make. And we should patuh dan taat selagi ia mengikuti shariah, bukan?

dan itulah yang saya cuba gain sepanjang cuti musim panas yang panjang ini.

keredhaan ibu bapa itu,
dengan menggembirakan mereka,
dengan mengelak dari buat mereka marah,
birrul wiladain.

cuba, dan terus cuba until ikhlas!


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