My sister's keeper

I have a little sister.
She isnt literally small, but she is younger than me, just below me to be specific.

Well it came to my newsfeed of her posting a photo during her usrah, it was them making heart origami.


I learnt to do this heart origami during my first usrah too, and now seeing her do it touches me.

Benarlah Dr Har kata, kita mungkin akan mengalami kesukaran menyantuni keluarga kita seperti kita manyantuni mad'u kita, tapi yakinlah yang kita perlu buat je kerja dakwah sebab kita nak build masyarakat yang faham islam, supaya family kita akan di nurture dalam masayarat yang faham islam itu juga eventually, even though its not from our own hands.

To her kakak usrah,
Thank you for taking care of my little sister


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