I always make du'a for Allah to hasten the jodoh for all my single sisters with a pious and great men who will be the coolness of their eyes. Please make loads of du'a for yourselves too. Never lose hope in the mercy of Allah.  “Hook up with Allah and Allah will hook you up”, remember? :)
A wife is like a gift to a man. And there is a hadith that goes like this:

"This world is just temporary conveniences, and the best comfort in this world is righteous women.” - Sahih Muslim 10/56.

So prepare yourself to be a gift (and not a test) to your future husband, so that one day he will hold you and look lovingly in your eyes and say “Alhamdulillah”.

took from ukht Zarina Zul Mukhshar,
A note to all my single girlfriends.



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