things going on inside the limbic system.

Semua dalam midst of examination, me, you and all of us.

And tadi ternyata apabila dikhabarkan muzaharat (riots) besar-besaran di sharie(road) abu ir, which was very near to the uni, proved that our exam tomorrow is more bigger than the riots ) O.O

Inside the morgue,no one moved, not one inch, everyone' eyes was on the cadaver's organ. The pakcik penjaga morgue, the guards and even the dukturs came and told us to return home, but no one cared. Everyone just continued back to whatever were they doing before that.

Even though I didn't get to revise thoroughly just now,again, safety is suppose to come first, thus, I really hope, that tomorrow, Im able to answer the questions given perfectly well,with His wills, Ameen Ya Rabb.

I need to excel, for the sake of Allah, dakwah and my family.

And last night, alhamdulillah, after too many obstacles, i finally got to skype with Elis, gosh do I miss her. Her words, her smiles, her comfort and basically her love. She was too adorable to be true, and she's also having her finals soon, so I guess we're in the same boat now.

We talked a lot, from the true meaning of ikhtilat, to ukhuwwah, to the final actions of saidina umar before his last breath, how he trusted Saidina Uthman bin Affan to be the next khalifah.

And among her stories that touched me to the fullest, was how a kakak adviced them, that medical students, are acknowledged to be full time busy, thus, we ourselves NEED to commit and give our full focus on it, thus we HAVE to give time to ALLAH and when He calls, we need to answer back.

So jangan pernah berkira dengan masa, wang ringgit, dan tenaga untuk ke jalan Allah,

bukankah dakwah dan belajar seiringan, takkan pernah salah satunya tertinggal ataupun ditinggalkan betul?

And referring to firman Allah dalam surah an-nahl ayat 93, memang Allah ada sebut, Dia boleh buat di dunia, satu umat sahaja, tapi Dia buat dua, mereka yang ingkar, dan golongan yang patuh.

And the highlight of this ayat is, Allah will ask what YOU did during the dunia.

what did you do?

Kalau yang masih tengah cari kepentingan untuk bertarbiyyah, keep on finding it, Allah kan kira effort dan Dia takkan zalimi hambaNya,

Kalau baru di dalam tarbiyyah dan rasa tiada perubahan dalam diri, sabarlah  dan yakinlah,sudah ada dan akan ada perubahan walau sebesar zarah,

Kalau sudah dalam tarbiyyah dan merasakan bibit stagnant, statik, atau lebih tepat futur, berpeganglah pada tali ini, teruslah bergelumang dengan akhawat, tapi paling penting luahkanlah isi hati kepada Dia, yang lagi Mendengar, lagi Mengetahui.

dan to my beloved adik usrah, I really do not know how to say this, but girls and boys really can't be best friends.

They just can't.

"sebelum diijabkabulkan,
syariah tetap membataskan,
pelajari ilmu rumah tangga,
agar kita lebih bersedia,
menuju hari yang bahagia."

see, syariah tetap membataskan any legal relationship before marriage.

peringatan untuk diri akak yang hina ini juga.



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