| Ahmad the great

I opened facebook and happened to see my little brother online,which was a total surprise.And so I decided to chat.

He was in Kelantan,and he was ranting about slow internet,cats running away from him and stuff,so I told him to help nenek in the kitchen,and innocently he answered,nenek doesnt want his help and atuk was always in front of the television,and he added, all he could do was sleep for 48 hours,

ahmad ahmad,*shaking head*

I then mentioned about food,I asked whether the food nenek cooked was delicious and he couldnt deny it,I mean, who could ever win over my nenek right?

and before we ended the whole chitchat,I told him to be patient since he sometime become outrageous when he wants everything to go his way,

he's such a darling actually,he loves his family dearly and could cry over small things if it came to family matters,he could be an incredible hulk when his moodiness gets in the way, but once he's adorable,no one would have the heart to scold him.

i miss my only brother,Ahmad,

he will always be inside my heart,always!


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