| A day in Kaherah

We started the journey with bismillah, and we headed straight away to muhafazah(state) giza where ahram(pyramids) were built.There were bascially 3 big pyramids in the area, and the inventions of pyramids at first was as a graveyard for the dead bodies.But later on, it was for the empire's fame.So in the end, Egypt didnt do pyramids anymore.It came to me,that if we become to greedy of fame and richness, it can harm us in away,we can lose control of our behaviour and act beyond norms.

And then, we moved on to muhafazah fusthot, here, Amr Al Asr,the founder of Egypt,one of Rasulullah's sahabat, left his tent undetached due to some birds laying there nest on the tent.Later on, people made a small valley around the tent which now became a state called Fusthot, the tent itself now is known as the Masjid of Amr Al Asr.It was amazing, how kind hearted Amru Al Asr was to not shoo the birds away but instead just left the tent as it is.How empathy he was to birds,and reflecting us, as upcoming doctors,we need to have that feeling towards all living creatures, be it animal,humans or anything else,as long as it is Allah's creations.We stopped for Jamak Zuhr and Asr,and I felt as though I couldnt lift my head up from my sujud.I was so sad, my soul was longing for spirits like Amr Al Asr who lived because of the Deen,my soul longed for the Jannah,my soul longed for Allah.

Moving on, we also went to the Fortress of Salahuddin AlAyyubi,and it was Him who freed Plastine from the Kuffar.We really need a Salahuddin Al Ayyubi in this millenium era, and who knows,it might be your own kid?InshaAllah.We entered the National Museum inside the fortress, and one thing captured my eyes throughout the visit in the museum, how the soldiers of islam back than, showed the identity of islam by even wearing a 'serban' during war!
But alas,what about us?There is no 'literal' war at the moment,yet why is it so hard to show the identity of Islam itself?Why have we lost in the Battle of Nafs?! Why sisters and brothers,why?

And then before we ended the trip with dancing in the crowd in Suk Hussain or better known as Pasar Hussain which was so similar to Jalan TAR.We stopped at Imam Shafie's Tomb at Masjid Imam Al Syafie and again i couldnt stop but let my eyes water.How great Imam Syafie was and how he was great with Allah's please.
I would like to memorize hadith as much as I want,
I would love to memorize the whole Quran and understand it with my heart,
I would love to learn Arabic by heart and understand it as the Quran speaks of Allah's words,
I would love to gain knowledge as much as I can,
I would like to be as great as the mother of Imam Syafie'e and give birth to such a great child
I would love too so much
oh Allah 
this humble slave pleads for your inayah and forgiveness

And we ended the whole chapter in Cairo by performing solah in Masjid Al Azhar, a place known for its rich in knowledge and 'ulama.

May my sujud for today be sincere because of You.

And I got a phone call from malaysia!
My mum and dad called and I got to hear Ahmad too,my dad wanted me to go to Tahrir Square,and I did,well we were on the bus and we couldnt go down due to the zahmah.
So sorry Abah,I'll take pictures of the Tahrir Square next time,I love you all!

With love from Cairo,Egypt
