Did it ever accustom to you that , if you punch a wall, for instance , you'll get hurt.In other words the wall sort of like punched you back?There is an equal force acting back on the original reaction.Well , in physics we learn that every reaction we put in contact with a surface, will have its opposite reaction.This could be related to the Newton's third law! Since secondary,physics never captured my heart,it wasn't mr P's fault of course,but it was mine,because I was the one who failed to notice the beauty of it.until, suddenly today,the two-hours intensive learning with Assoc Prof Dr Ahmad Saat,who is also an advanced level lecturer in Intec,made me realised that mr P is such a beautiful thing as long as the eye's of the beholder sees it that way.Like people always say,beauty lies in the eyes of its beholder,same goes here.Cikgu Ahmad helped me affirming the concepts that I thought I was quite lost and brushed up my understanding skills.Thanks teacher.Now,back t...
p/s: i care <3
p/s jazakillah for caring sis <3