| spreading the wings and soaring to heavens

Dearest Suhana and Aadila,

May you both be protected by Allah and escorted by the angels,as all I can do is pray for you guys from afar!
Good luck in India!

Jazakillah to geng gula kapas for making my day !


raihanazuhar said…
wahhh bestnyee qelahh dpt anta suhana n aa..rhan smabut ler kat sini..btway bile nk dtang india yangg???
CP said…
suhana fly doh? hohohoh
gudluck for them..:)
mg fly bilo wey??
Aqeelah said…
reyhe-aku lambat agy weh,hola hola,jaga set yo molek deh,exam may-june so around sep oct aku fly insyaAllah

ida-doh,hari tu,hehehe,1 april hr tuh

gee-aku fly bule 9 or 10,doa kat ku!
pecah said…
t nak g ata!! oyt katku dehh..;)
mc'g said…
lah...mc'g tdi rep komen tuh..ak pakai acot saim aku.hehe.

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