wrapping up towels

i once asked you

pernah tak rasa,kalau kita rapat sangat dengan seseorang,kita rasa nak jauhkan diri je dengan orang tu?

and you answered

pernah je

and sadly you giggled,because i was serious.hey,i was being serious.

i hope we aren't that close enough,to make you want to back off from me :(

semua mukmin itu bersaudara,i'm your sister and you are mine too,forever!


nadhirah said…
Aqeelah said…
ok baiklah,i have to be honest with you right?yes,i am possessive and i can't help it,aiyoo,korang balik pukul brape dar art gallery last night?
.w a n e e. said…
hooooo. siapa ni eh? jeng3.
Aqeelah said…
siapa eh wanee,i don't know too >_<

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