ain-tula pasal,aku rasa aku sendiri dah makin jauh and slow,tau tak perasaan tu,tak sabar tunggu korang balik,bagaikan pelangi muncul selepas huja yang lebat.
liyana-i don't know,actually its more to what happened to me,not muharikah,hehe,I guess I just feel like kita sedang lalu fasa slow growth,dan harap2 kita akan terus grow sampai exponential growth,insyaAllah
Anonymous said…
owh i see. its ok. we will work this out together insyaAllah. maybe we should gather more often :) share each others problem, fixed it up and plan what to be done before we leave this lovely ktt. he
presenting 4 supernatural homosapiens!!! hamizah nadhirah zawani me its just nothing actually.but the bond that we cherished together is totally one knows how magnificent it is to see people from different part of the nation,meet up and blend in together.a relationship that is blessed by Allah.
It was not long before we were told that Raya was going to be a day earlier than planned and it was only 29 days of Ramadan. Many were devastated as it shows that lesser time to spend with the Holy Month, some because it meant the preparation of Raya needs to be hasten. Thus what we need now is not to decide which sadness are we, but to keep on boosting the spirit of Ramadan, most important, the 10th last nigth which meant, the night of Lailatul Qadr. I am super super excited but I know that my spirits are being a little burn out. I am starting to have that symptoms of lack of sleep, exhausted during the day, dehydrated, taking a while to read the Quran. My duaas are jumbled i do not know which to priotize, what if i ask the wrong thing, what if i dont ask the most thing that i need and want. And i know, this cannot be it, the virtues of Ramadan are so so much but i am just slowing down. This cannot happen (i scream my lungs out as I freak my way out) I t...
بسمك اللهم ندعو في غدو وروى لك منا كل حمد في مساء وصباح حبلنا منك رشدا واهدنا سبل اصلاح إن تقوى الله نور وطريق للفلاح bismikallahumma nada`u= in the name of Allah fi ghuduwiw wa rawah= we pray,in the morning and evening laka minna kullu hamdin= for u all the praise fi masaiw wa sobah= in the morning and evening hablana minka roshadah= give us the guide wahdiina subulasolah= show us the right path inna taqwa allahi nurun= truly, taqwa to Allah wa toriqul lil falah= is the light and way to success Dengan namamu Ya Allah Kami meminta pada waktu pagi dan petang bagi mengisi pujian pada waktu pagi dan petang kurniakan kami dari sisiMu petunjuk Tunjukkan kami jalan kebaikan sesungguhnya ketaqwaan kpd Allah cahaya dan jalan kejayaan credits for ifah my little sister for her effort on the jawi version!!!thanks ifah!!!~~ here is the lnk for those that want to convert your writings to jawi~ its not much,its not a masterpiece,but its sincerely from me...
liyana-i don't know,actually its more to what happened to me,not muharikah,hehe,I guess I just feel like kita sedang lalu fasa slow growth,dan harap2 kita akan terus grow sampai exponential growth,insyaAllah
*aku pun rasa macam dah makin jauh.