akur dengan spektrum sosial semut

what has happened to muharikah?
what has happened to me?


n.amirahhhh said…
pe cermuharikah?tunggu kitorang balik ehhh iAllah!
Anonymous said…
what happen kiki ?
Aqeelah said…
ain-tula pasal,aku rasa aku sendiri dah makin jauh and slow,tau tak perasaan tu,tak sabar tunggu korang balik,bagaikan pelangi muncul selepas huja yang lebat.

liyana-i don't know,actually its more to what happened to me,not muharikah,hehe,I guess I just feel like kita sedang lalu fasa slow growth,dan harap2 kita akan terus grow sampai exponential growth,insyaAllah
Anonymous said…
owh i see. its ok. we will work this out together insyaAllah. maybe we should gather more often :) share each others problem, fixed it up and plan what to be done before we leave this lovely ktt. he
n.amirahhhh said…
nanti kitorang balik,boost semangat same2.kat rumah ni melagha je keje.kalau ade ramai2 baru semangat sikit!

*aku pun rasa macam dah makin jauh.


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