playing games and a stroll!

one whole afternoon playing games.and out of all the games there is one game that i would like to announce as the winner,which is

*drums rolling*

 'nama negeri' !! LOL

i think that the name is right,wanee said she called it by that name,and various games which were what we call retro we played when we were in primary.

for me,it has been ages since i've been playing them and some are even new for me!partly,some were base on small 'violence' where we had to smack people on their hands or faces as 'denda'.wanee and harisah were those who we call aggressive and they were always duelling each other because they get to win among us!

'nama negeri' was very hilarious since we had to think to the deepest about anything according to the alphabets given.the toughest one was the letter 'f' where no one could even think of a fruit with the name on it.towards the end,leen searched for it in the dictionary and we found out one fruit with 'f',that is fig which was also called buah tin.memang berilmiah game ni!

then as the day creeped slowly , i wasn't planning to go for exercise but then suddenly,mimi texted and asked whether i was interested to take a stroll at the field?i was doubting myself whether to go or not and then she said chuelah was also following us and i was immediately excited!it has been ages since we have been together like this,seriously.

it was a superb day,and i'm exhausted to the fullest.

i have been grumbling,i haven't been a grateful daughter these few days and thus
 i miss my family .


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