nuisance in the labs

I can now peacefully huff some puffs after three practical experiments. starting with physics, chemistry and finishing off with biology. The routine was, checking my license to enter the examination room, which was my statement of entry, id card and stationeries along with the clean and white lab coat, the first practical exam was one whole shot of nervousness, I felt spooky because there were rumors that electrical questions will come out and I’m totally a goof in anything related to circuits.

There were two questions, the first one was to find the terminal velocity of a ball, where the ball was sunk into a measuring cylinder filled with vegetable oil, we had to find the time of the ball to fall in a given displacment.alhamdulillah it was pretty easy to be done, since we had to collect the data without setting anything up. But moving on to the next question, I never knew what was coming ahead. I switched tables with my partner and so, I had to set up this bloody circuit according the diagram given. Everything was going well and steady when suddenly I switched the ammeter and voltmeter on but nothing happened (we used the digital multimeter, kudos to ktt for not providing us with the analog ammeter and voltmeter instead).

 I panicked and straightway called the supervisor to come, it was Madame affera, and she looked at my circuit for a while and then looked at me, “awak terlupa pasang Suis and habiskan litar ni , tengok mana penghujungnya, tak bersambung pun dekat power supply tu.”And so I slipped a laugh due to my embarrassing mistake, she watched me putting the switch in my circuit and I pressed the power on. Nothing happened again but by the time I switched it on, there was no Madame affera.i didn’t panic but I tried to recheck all the arrangement and attachments and nothing was wrong, but why the hell didn’t the ammeter show any readings.

It stayed at 0.00.

time was preciously passing by but there was still no luck. I was furious with my circuit since my partner before this, mayang didn’t face the slightest complications to get the reading, so why did I? This time, I had to call upon a supervisor and miss syera came, she looked upon my attachments of crocodile clips and so on so forth but nothing happened, Madame affera came again and still the ammeter didn’t show any reading. So we called the sifu, mr zaini.he came and I was scared that I did a silly mistake. But I’m glad that I didn’t but the problem was my ammeter still didn’t show any readings!

 By this time, I was in the verge of tears but I knew Allah was with me, and he was going to give me the chance to get the readings. I wanted to re setup the experiment, but Mr. zaini did it for me (aww how sweet sir is) ,after completing everything I was so excited the moment he pressed the on button, but no reading showed up and I was clueless, this time, mr zaini was really so concerned and nice, he asked the lab assistant to change my power supply.
I guess after changing the power supply but the ammeter didn’t show up, he asked the lab assistant to change the switch and the two multimeters. Alhamdulillah after that, then the ammeter showed readings. And I just had the urge sujud syukur at that instance because I was so grateful Allah listened to my prayers! MashaAllah.and thanks to Mr. zaini, the lab assistant and also the other misses for being ever so sweet helping me out.alhamdulillah I managed to finish in the time frame since no extra time was given anyway. So I came out of the lab room with all sorts of feelings, but indeed I was glad.

there was also clumsy moments in chemistry practical where I was starting my first experiments after I completed rinsing my after going thoroughly through the instructions I went to measure the weight of my powder at the table which had  weighing balance in it,and when I wanted to tip in into my plastic cup since I was doing a thermochemistry question,I searched for my spatula,but it was nowhere to be seen.i could have sworn that I saw it just  a few seconds ago,so I searched near my test tube rack,but there was none to be seen.

oh no! not again,I had to raise my hands and ask the invigilator for a new spatula,he came near me and nagged to me a little, “ish,awak ni tadi masa time check apparatus tak nak bagi tahu yang spatula tak de” but the moment he reached my desk he laughed and lookes at me in disbelief,he pointed to the middle of my question paper.i looked and gasped

.it was right in front of my nose and I didn’t see it at all!!!he laughed again he said “tak pe,spatula tu duduk tempat titik buta awak” LOL ,I laughed because my awful clumsy mistake and I laughed because its been a while since I heard about the blind point.we all have one and I didn’t expect it would happen to me on the of my examination?what a joke,and I know Allah wanted me to calm down,because before I had ‘sort’ of lost my spatula I was in a complete rush to finish my experiment.but after that,I was a little calm and completed my experiment there you go,incidents during the practical sessions.i’ll miss the times,but Ya Allah,I won’t want to repeat AS practical experiments,I hope I do well inshaAllah.


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