mestica oil

fuh...i'm feeling a lot better after suffering a so-called cholera stomach pain for the whole week!i mean what more can you say when whatever you eat comes out from your body in liquid instead of solid!well thats enough about my tummy pain.

this week was tremendously exciting!Everyone was excited to end pre-as,i must say making the yeast 'beads' were awesome!mayang had her first niece,wanee was shining her yellow gummy braced teeth whenever she had the time too,and ruz was being so nice and comel,extra credits for her.and i must say,eventhough we rarely do cleaning at home but on monday,suddenly all of us became kakak cleaners and brushed the house like ever!ruz was the most expertise in scrubbing and scraping the dirt on the tiles in the kitchen,wanee mopped the whole house,and i just helped washing the place too,i was actually excited to splash water at them!the day before that,mayang wiped away the mosquito breeding area,and for god sake,thank's to Allah we decided to wipe the stagnant water under the washing machine,because we were close enough to receive the now,our house is more cleaner and hygienic than before.kudos to 7-1-a4 fellows!

and last night,after the biology lab test,i was on my way back to the apartment when miza called me hurriedly,she was near a booth at bintang walk and i could barely see a thing the booth was selling due to people hovering the table,but at last i could see that the uncle was selling buttons.miza came up with this utmost amazing idea of doing a button for AJGC and i agreed as abruptly as be frank,i miss moments with ajgc,we can't spend too much time together due to time consuming,so whenever we have the time to get together,it really lights my whole world.anyway,the button really showed simplicity but i love it <3!and i love you guys


i guess i always lit up when you do small things to me pause thanks.


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