won't be long.

in the world that is vast with technology gadgets here and cant help yourself but be updated to the latest and thrilling gadgets.after thriving with ace in spm,my mum offered me to choose a particular handphone as a gift,i couldn't help but felt jovially overjoyed.nonetheless i was going to enrol in college anyways,and handphones are a necessity.after flicking through pages of useful websites regarding superb handphones that were in style and magnficent,i ended up with sony erricson's walkman and owned a W595 on the 24th march little babe.

it has been helping me communicating in various places as far as europe and middle east to the nearest of south-east asia.aiding me capturing sceneries as beautiful as the sunset painted with streaks of gold and lavender strikes to the simple pictures of the backyard with flowers blooming here and there.anger triggered whenever my babe got scratches and even ensured that a black leathered casing would shadow it from any weather fidgety i was to my babe.until i realised, last week it encountered a little dysfunctional matter,if someone called me,i couldn't here any sound from the other party.i mean not a sound came out.i though it was a silly misconnection so i just let the matter go,but when a few people called,and still the same problem occured,it exceede mu limits of patience.i couldn't take it anymore and brought it to the original shop that sold here i am left alone,feeling my other part is missing.can't wait for it to come back!miss you babe!

p/s zie...please send you baby to get repaired too,i can see she's in a very bad condition .


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