rise and shine people!its such a wonderful day today.and it is the feeling that you gain whenever you are in cloud nine.its not everyday you get to be on that cloudy you know!its nearly a week the curtains of the new semester has been pulled open.and as everyone in sepang knows.the weather has been always bright and shiny as always.so are the days there.just got all my results.i guess i'm going to be a permanent library consumer.well what do you expect!its only average but above my own par.I aimed for 70 above and alhamdulillah I got all B's.
I feel so grateful to Allah for giving me the opportunity to get this kind of result.i know its not a big deal and WTH its not like I got all As.duh...still can't seem to beat the awesome loony or even pass the cut off point,pity me.But when you are the kind of student,who always stares dumbfounded at the board whenever lectures over,the regular faces seen in the staff room,always difficult to understand a topic and typically slow in everything.it's the sweetest thing to ever get.to put in simple words,I'm glad Allah answered my DOAs.Alhamdulillah.But,it's not like I'm satisfied or what,its not even close to that,theres still a long way to go,tonnes to catch up and understand and loads of endeavors to be put in,in order to pass Alevel course.I still am going and will always ensure that I'm the typical so called geeky kiki, to be stuck up in the gigantic refrigerator,none other than KTT's beloved library.

wish me luck y'all


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