going bonkas!

I've just found out my holidays has been extended!
how good does that sound!
now i have to alter my plan before i end up hibernating this whole month
i thought beavers were just like that
didn't know I'm following their footsteps
anyway,if we sleep too much,is it going to deteriorate our mind?
hope not though.and i'm still wondering about the volunteer stuff,where am I suppose to do it?when should I start?am I going to finish up my days in front of the pc?

p/s i love questioning myself,yet no answers seem to pop up.my soul is going dry and mind is clueless.really missing usrah's with sisters.


Hanis Amanina said…
sampai berapa hb?
Aqeelah said…
rasenye bkan extend jugak. at first,aku ingatkan kna balik college 7 dec,so ble dpt tau 14 dec aku kate extend la.hehehe
Hanis Amanina said…
haha.ingatkan leh tambah cuti lagi.
Aqeelah said…
wah..berdoalah~nak gak extend ...ko dh start volunteer tu ek?

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