a friend in need is a friend indeed

OMG!! Its been quite a while I haven't been blogging.I just have to scribble in something...And so I am.

Well,being a college student,life isn't like living in cloud nine.Though in KTT you don't have to burn the midnights oil to finish up assignment nor drooling over paper works for presentations,still it's difficult for me to adapt the style of learning.Everything is as fast as lightning and I'm still trying to double up my pace so its equal with the lectures to ensure I'm not left behind.Besides,I still have two years to finish up my A level.Pity Gira,she's in czech republic bound and their A level's duration is one year,so they're really being pushed.I'm still glad she can manage to laugh and smile whenever I see her.If i was in her shoes,i guess I would have gone bonkas!!!Mimi's in India bound for dentistry and she's doing superb,sometimes mr jealousy does creep inside of me towards her because she's just so brilliant,but I was take it positively and I do adore her.Shes my dearest friend here of course.Chuelah is also in India bound for medicine,and a very cute lady.Shes doing well so far,and we share some kind of problems sometimes,so its fun talking to her.Wanee is my so called soulmate at KTT because i don't know what would I do without her.Thanks honey!Since we're in the same class and apartment,we do lots of things together,we go to class together,sometimes conduct experiments together in the laboratories and the list goes on.I also chat a lot with Nadh,Wanee,Miza and sometimes with Leen.They're really coolios~and look , again This post is about to be a post of gratitude again.Duh...But,its absolutely true that friends play an important role in your life aa a college student.So you really have to be a little selective in choosing the right one.Good luck!


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