feeding the soul

[part 1]
Today,around lunch hour,Nanie came and we chatted.I was totally like a cow jumping over the moon(if that is rasional though)to have her around.But,in our long conversation there was a small issue that touched me deeply.Here's how it sounds roughly,

me : suka tak dengar lagu ni?(while pressing the play button for the song Taylor Swift-Love Story)
nanie :hmmm(politely shaking her heads)
me :oooo.hmm.jap I mean ko tak layan lagu-lagu cenggini?
nanie :hmmm(again shaking her heads)
me :takkan kat smss tak dgar lagu2 cenggini?
nanie :dengar tu dengar jelah but tak pernah terlintas nak suka lagu cenggini(now giggling seeing my face)

that was when I was like struck by a thunderstorm.could I be like her?would I be able to?what with my obsessiveness towards akademi fantasia(actually minat akim and aishah je).how could I resist songs from like kate perry,taylor swift,jason mraz or even siti nurhaliza(sheesh!)and also not to forget soundtracks from my all-time favorite korean drama-Boys Over Flowers and suddenly transforming to Sami Yahya,Soldiers of Allah,Yusuf Islam and the list actually goes on.Ataupun easily just forget music or entertainment.Huh!!!could I?After all,hiburan melalaikan.Thats why when I go down the memory lane,when I was still a scool student at Scipp,we were feeding our soul with such amazing things,reading the Al-Ma'thurat,reciting the Holy Quran-surah Yaasin(every thursday night)and surah Al-Mulk(everyday before tucked in bed).why has my daily routine suddenly stopped when i'm back home?Not to forget solat hajat,solat taubah,solat tahajjud or even solat witir...sekali tak sekala je buat,walhal at school macam part of us dah.tu yang we have to remind ourselves to remember Allah anytime ,anywhere in what so ever situation faced.
thanks to nanie I'll have something now to bear in mind.
[part 2]
I was resting on the cosy sofa in the living room when I suddenly recieved an SMS from my dear friend Isen(shes from Limbang Sarawak and a friend of mine during my PLKn days)
isen : apa yang terkandung dalam ayat kursi?
Briefly, shes a very great friend and she isn't muslim.Yet shes really keen in Islam and lets just pray that she'll get taufik hidayah from the Al-Mighty.
Now,what got me startled was how gelabah I was to reply the message I mean.Thoughts like,how am I suppose to put it in words?will I give the correct and precise answer?because at that time I knew that we recite the ayatul Kursi for protection from Allah and to keep us away from evil syaitan.But is that all,sure ayatul Kursi has 1001 benefits.
Thats when an email from Ummi really touched me and made me think back how cetek my knowledge was regarding the ayatul kursi(as for it is the issue I'm trying to bring out here).
I'm a muslim and I'm suppose to know about this,so if cases like this happens I can give arguements that are appropriate to them.
Ya Allah
Forgive me for my weaknesses
Please give guidance
and Hidayah
so that
I'm always on the right path
to be in jannah
to be the best khalifatullah
well,as a muslim I'm so keen in sharing the email my Ummi sent.
The Hikmah of Ayatul Kursi

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Allah! There is no God but He,
the Living, the Self-subsisting, the Eternal.
No slumber can seize Him, nor sleep.
All things in heaven and earth are His.
Who could intercede in His presence without His permission?
He knows what appears in front of and behind His creatures.
Nor can they encompass any knowledge of Him except what he wills.
His throne extends over the heavens and the earth,
and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them,
for He is the Highest and Most Exalted.
lets move on to several hadith ,
1.Rasool Allah peace be upon him said, "Whoever recites Aayatul Kursi after every Fard (Fard Salat). Only death is keeping him/her from entering Jannah. (As soon as he/she dies, will enter Jannah)(Nisa'i, Ibne Habban, Ibnelsani A'n Abi Amatah Albahili Radiallah Anhu)
2.It's in another Hadis that Reciting Ayatul Kursi after one Fard (Fard Salat) will stay in Allah's protection until the next Salat.(Tibrani Fil Kabeer, A'n Alhasan Bin Ali Radiallah Anhu)
3.Imam Bihaqi States that the one who recites Ayatul Kursi before falling asleep, Allah Tala gives protection to his/her home and his/her Family.(Marqat Sharah Mishkaat, Mulla Ali Qaderi, vol. 2 pp. 583)
4.It's in another Hadis Jinns and Shaitans do not come close to the house in which Ayatul Kursi is recited. (Tirmizi Altargheeb Wal Tarheeb Lilmanzari vol.2 pp.631)
5.Hadrat A'isha Radiallah Anha states that a person arrived in the court of Nabi kareem Sallal Laaho Alaihi Wasallam and complained that there is no Barkat (Blessings) in anything in his home. Rasool Allah peace be upon him said, "You do not recite Ayatul Kursi, whichever Food and Curry you will recite Ayatul Kursi on, Allah Tala will give Blessings on that Food and Curry. (Tafseer Dar Manshoor vol. 1 pp. 323)
now the fadhilat-fadhilat of ayatul kursi
1.This ayat was revealed after Hijrah. During its revealation it was accompanied by thousands of angels because of its greatness and glory.
2.Syaitan and iblis became worried because there is an obstacle in their quest to mislead mankind. Rasulullah s.a.w . immediately ordered Zaid b.Tsabit to write it down and spread the message.
3.Whoever recites ayat Kursi with full concentration daily after fardhu prayers, every morning and evening before exiting or entering the house or before on a journey, InsyaAllah will be protected from the temptation of syaitan, evil people, wild and dangerous animals, even our family, children and property will be save from harm by Allah s.w.t. According to the book "Asraatul Mufidah".
4.Whoever practices by reciting it 18 times everyday, will be granted sustenance, gain honour and save from all calamities with Allah's will.
5.Syeikh Abu Abbas explained that the person who recites it 50 times and breathes it onto rainwater and drinking it InyaAllah will have be blessed with an intelligent mind and the ease of absorbing knowledge.
6.For our practice...the Fadhillat ayat Al-Kursi according to the Hadiths, Rasullullah s.a.wmentioned "Whoever returns home and recites ayat Kursi, Allah will remove poverty from their eyesight".
7.Rasullullah s.a.w. also added, " For my followers who recite ayat Kursi 12 times on a Friday morning, and then takes wudhu and prays 2 rakaat, Allah will protect him from the evil of the syaitan and major evildoers." Those who recites ayat Kursi many times will be loved and protected by Allah just like how He protected Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
8.With Allah's will those who continually recites ayat Kursi will be protected against crime and burglary at their home.
9.When consistently recited during travelling it will also keep them save from harm. When recited with full concentration, Insya Allah it will cause the syaitan and jin to burn.
10.When you move to new home, recite it a 100 times in the first night, InsyaAllah the whole family will be protected from spiritual and physical harm.
11.Whoever recites ayat Kursi before lying on the bed to sleep, Allah will assign 2 angels to protect him or her till the Subuh period. Allah will also protect their home and all the homes around their neighbourhood.
12.Whoever recites ayat Kursi after Fardhu prayers, Allah will provide them the satisfactionof those who follows the truth, and the good deeds of the prophets will be given to them.
13.Whoever recites ayat Kursi before leaving the house, Allah will appoint 70,000angels to them. The angels will pray for forgiveness and dua for them.
14.Whoever recites ayat Kursi after Fardhu prayers, Allah azza wajallah will manage the retrieval of their soul the same as those who jihad in the name of Allah and died a shahid.
15.Whoever recites ayat al-Kursi in times of difficulty, Allah will provide help for them. From Abdullah bin Amr r.a.
So Guys,what do you think?I think we suppose to get started already.
Lets start feeding our soul.Praticing ayatul Kursi should be a nice start.
its not much,its not a masterpiece,but its sincerely from me...


salam..yeah....sesungguhnye segale suruhan Allah pasti membawe 1001 kebaikkan bwt hamba2 yg bersyukur....

yok recites ayatul kursi..(^_^)
Aqeelah said…
semoga kita sentiasa
tergolong dalam hamba yang bersyukur itu
Nabilah said…
salam. :D

terjumpe lak blog awak.

nice post!

mafhum hadith:
'barangsiapa yang menjadi asbab utk seseorang lain mendapat hidayah ; maka itu lebih baik baginya dari dunia dan seisinya.'

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