Who are you again?
We always know that, Allah knows us more than we do right? But its a little confusing when there is too much of yourself that you barely know? Hence toughen the process of taaruf with yourself. The questions linger At the back of my head, and gets bigger each time. Who are you? What is inside you? What is your true colour? What is your true feeling? Now some might say, I am living in hypocrisy but alas, this is not hypocrite, its that small feeling inside you that suddenly echoes questioning things that you have thought you had knew since the day you were born. Gosh I feel terrible and messy. Wait, inhale and exhale. Yes I am 21 years old this year, big enough to decide my own future. Oh Allah, help me *whispers* Alhamdulillah, it still the month of syawal, the month of happiness, and smiles and laughters heard here and there. But somehow I think i have done cruelty to myself, my tarbiyyah dzatiyyah is lowering just like how the smartphones battery get drained with the...